Sunday, December 18, 2011

Giveaway - the urban homestead (expanded & revised edition) Your Guide to Self-Sufficient Living in the Heart of the City - CLOSED - WINNER ANNOUNCED


Here are 5 ways you can enter to win
A brand new copy of this awesome book!

1. You must leave a comment on this blog for entry. Only comments here on this blog post will be accepted as an entry. (Be sure to leave an email address so that we can contact you if you do not have a blog). (1 entry)

2. Tell us what your favorite homesteading book is (please include the author). (1 entry)

3. Become a follower of our blog. (click the FOLLOW button ---> ) (1 entry)

4. Become a fan of Rogue Wild Farm on Facebook. (Please come back here and leave a comment with your Facebook name &/or page). (1 entry)

5. Tell us what your favorite thing to grow is and how you use it. (1 entry)

Good luck all!

This contest ends on Friday, December 23, 2011 at 11:59pm East Coast Time.
Item ships to US addresses only.


  1. So far, my favorite is "The Backyard Homestead" by Carleen Madigan. My Facebook group is Kaya Self Sufficiency. I am following your blog (as Homesteader) and my favorite things to grow are tomatoes and garlic but so far I've killed them because of bad soil.

  2. Also my Facebook name is Noel Napolitan...

  3. Would LOVE to win your book (Canning Granny)... I have MANY favorite homesteading books, but maybe the Foxfire books would be my favorite and I'm already a Facebook fan! Favorite thing to grow? All herbs (Rosemary is my all time fave!) Did I cover everything? Good luck guys, great blog, great FB page!

  4. My favorite book so far is "Self Sufficiency for the 21st Century" by Dick & James Strawbridge. My email is My FB name is EricandTeresa Fleming. Love your page!

  5. Love your blog, and all the great info on raising animals and gardening! I particularly love that you have a section on homeschooling/unschooling!

  6. My favorite homesteading book is The Encyclopedia of Country Living by Carla Emery. I would love suggestions on other good ones also!

  7. Liked you guys on fb! Alicia Jackson Decker

  8. Our favorite thing to grow is tomatoes! We use it in salads, salsa, sandwiches, veggies tray, pasta and anything else we can thing of. Home grown tomatoes are the best!

  9. Hey there! I've already followed you on Facebook as Anchasta and my biz, Pixie's Pocket.

    I love Storey's Basic Country Skills: A guide to self-reliance as a homesteading bible!

    I'm now following your blog as well. :) (honestly thought I already was!)

    I tend to grow herbs more than veggies, and I love them all! Yarrow, Mints, Basils, and more.

  10. I grow tons of mint!!!! Its so easy wont hurt the animals either. I use it in everything from baths to ice tea to cooking and cleaning. Mint is just flat awesome!!!!!

  11. I agree with foundations my favorite is far is the encyclopedia of country livinf by carla Emery

  12. I just found your blog through a homesteading neophyte. great blog. will be following after this comment. liked our fb page. my favorite book is Storey's Basic Country Skills: A Practical Guide to Self-Reliance, tons of helpful information in it. I love growing pumpkins for halloween jack o'lanterns.

  13. My favorite homesteading book is "The Good Life: Helen and Scott Nearing's Sixty Years of Self-Sufficient Living" by Scott Nearing and Helen Nearing

  14. So far, my favorite thing to grow are grapes that I turn into jelly. Super proud of my jelly this year. It's delicious!

  15. Homesteading Neophyte sent me over - what a great blog! Thank you for the opportunity to own a good resource.

  16. My current favorite homesteading book is the Backyard Homestead, edited by Carleen Madigan. I referred to it often last year.

  17. I have more than one fav thing to grow: grapes, tomatoes though these have been challenging the last few years (blight), and rabbits. Grapes become either juice or jelly, tomatoes become tomato/egg sandwiches, or sauce/paste, and then rabbits become stew. =)

  18. Wing Shadow Farm - I am already a fan on FB. I am working on getting MORE self sufficient in my everyday life.

    My favorite homestead book is "Seed to Seed" by Suzanne Ashworth.

    My favorite thing to grow is heirloom tomatoes. I've been at it for 12 yrs. Black tomatoes are my favorite, followed by Orange ones. I eat as many as I can fresh with a little s/p for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I also use them in soup/stew/chili plus can/freeze some for winter.

  19. Thank you for providing such a wonderful site! I am a 40 year old wife and mother of 3 and want to start gardening on a small scale with my family. I'd love to teach my children about growing produce and hopefully instill a love of gardening in them that they will pass on to their own children one day.
    Once again, thank you for all that you and the other farmers of America do for us each and every day.

  20. Hello, my name is Kristina Thorson. I am very excited to have found your Facebook page and website. I would love to be able to give you the name of my favorite Homestead book, but in all honesty this is something that I have just recently become interested in and truly don't have a favorite yet. I know I could have looked up a title online, but I knew that was dishonest. Although my not having a favorite Homestead book may disqualify me from being entered in your book giveaway, I am still very excited that I found your Facebook page and website. I am anxious to begin learning all that I can so that my family and I can begin growing our own small garden and reaping the rewards of our work.
    When I was a eleven, my mother remarried and we moved to Texas where we had a vegetable garden for a few years. I loved growing tomatoes and yellow squash the best, although we grew several other vegetables as well. With the tomatoes, we would either eat them freshly sliced with salt or BLT good! My mother taught me to cook the yellow squash with onions in a delicious! I still love to cook it this way. We also had chickens, and it was nice to have fresh eggs every day. Even though it required work, I enjoyed it and this is something that I'd love to pass on to my children.
    I do not have a blog, but can be reached at
    Thank you for all that you and the many other American farmers do for us each and every day.

  21. My name is Steve Paul and I recently added your FB page. my email address is I do not have a blog.

    My favorite homesteading book is "The Backyard Homestead: Produce all the food you need on just a quarter acre!", by Carleen Madigan.

    My wife and I have been trying to expand our focus on self-sustaining gardening. We grew the standard veggies like tomoatoes, beans, peas, carrots, peppers, potatoes, celery, onions, zucchini, cucumbers and radishes. After making some more room - we plan do grow even more.

    We would also like to add 6 chickens to provide use with all the eggs and fertilizer we could ever want or need. I would also love to expand my gardens to specialize in hybridizing daylilies, and growing multiple varieties of lavender. My final addition would be to add two top-bar hives, so that i can do my part to help stabilize the honeybee population.

  22. I don't have just a single favorite as far as homesteading books go...I have a favorite series or set of books. I have the complete Foxfire series. They have pretty much anything one could need for homesteading, surviving, camping, or just making it through life while learning new skills or even trades. This is a set that should be in everyone's library, if for nothing more than the stories, superstitions, and anecdotes.

    My favorite fruits to grow are my heirloom tomatoes. My favorite vegetable to grow would have to be my peppers. Witha variety of peppers and tomatoes, I can make almost anything I could need in the kitchen.

  23. I follow you on fb as Brenda Bechard. I have subscribed to Mother Earth News Magazine for years in an attempt to learn as much as I can about urban homesteading and self-sufficient living. As a high school teacher in Florida it is important for me to live as frugally as possible. :)


  25. Thank you to everybody that entered! You guys listed some awesome books (which we compiled into a list for our readers). Such diversity in what you're growing and how you're using it! Thank you for sharing it with us =o)
